Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Service Learning

Service Learning at Concord

This week we will have Service Learning Day on March 13.  It will be located in the gym.

We will have the food drive as well.   Our 19th Annual Food Drive- In partnership with the Food Group MN ( the 19th Annual Concord Elementary Food Drive is coming March 12th - March 16th!  Last year we donated almost 3,000 pounds of food and hygiene products to families in need throughout our community and we need your help again!  Donation bags and more info will come home with your child this week
*  Good Morning Monday
*  Toilet Paper Tuesday
*  Wash Up Wednesday
*  Dinnertime and Thankful Thursday

*  Kid Friendly Friday

How do we encourage natural service learning?  
We do not want an add on.  We want it to be a part of our standards.

  1. During science, social studies, and health make connections to the real world through news, videos, speakers, etc. 
  2.   Ask students, " So what can we do to make a difference in the world?"   Ideas include:  Students can teach others, do an, or support a cause financially or with products.
Here are some ideas.  I would be happy to brainstorm with you at PLC's or we have a resource in teaching and learning. 
Julie Rogers Bascom

K- Trees- Plant trees
K- Healthy Habits- host a healthy family day.

1- Citizenship-  Interview the mayor of Edina about the needs in the commmunity.  Define a project your class can work on.
1- Pebbles, Sand, & Silt.  Learn about erosion and explore erosion at Concord. Investigate ways we can prevent this from happening.

2- Plant-  How can we plan the school garden?
2- Air and Weather-  Discuss the problems weather extremes in MN.  What can we do?  Collect hats, mittens, survival kits.
2- Rules- Propose a new law, create videos to teach Concord rules.

3- Basics of Democracy- Write letters to President and legislators for causes.
3- Physics of Sound- Discuss hearing loss and causes.  What can we do?  Educate.

4- Water-  How can we help countries that have contaminated water?
4- Body Defense Systems-  How can we prevent the spread of the Flu and illness at Concord?  Teach others how to wash hands, cover cough, clean school, notes to families.

5- Environments-  How can we support natural environments in MN?
5- Mental Health- Commercials about: Peer pressure, Influence of Media, Anti Drug use.

Here is an article to help you on your journey!
How to initiate action or service learning?

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